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précis Magazine
précis, the MIT Center for International Studies magazine, features essays by our scholars, covers the wide range of Center activities, and tracks the accomplishments of our research community. It is published twice yearly, once during each academic semester.
If you have story ideas or would like to write an article, please contact the 2023-2024 graduate student editor Miriam Hinthorn or editor Michelle English.
précis Interview: Philip Khoury, associate provost Philip Khoury, associate provost, discusses with précis foreign policy in the Middle East, MIT's relationship to the policymaking community, and how an engineering school benefits the humanities and social science community. Read more |
Alliance formation in civil warsBy Fotini Christia Fotini Christia, assistant professor of political science, argues that "alliance formation [in civil wars] is tactical and motivated by a concern with victory and the maximization of wartime returns..." précis features an excerpt from her recent book. Read more |
Publicity-driven accountability in ChinaBy Greg Distelhorst Can strong authorities be made accountable to weak constituencies? If so, how? Greg Distelhorst, a PhD candidate in political science, shows how media liberalization improves government accountability even in a strong, authoritarian state like China. Read more |
Briefings The Starr Forum "Attack of the Drones" was held on Nov 13; Priyanka Borpujari, an independent journalist based in Mumbai, India, was selected as the 2012-13 Elizabeth Neuffer Fellow; Yukio Okamoto, a former special advisor to the prime minister of Japan, has been named a 2012-13 Robert E. Wilhelm Fellow. Read more |
Activities The first book from the Center's US-Iran project was published in May—Becoming Enemies: US-Iran Relations and the Iran-Iraq War, 1979-1988; Ordinary people show remarkable capacities for coping with and resisting violent actors in some of the world's most dangerous cities, a new study from the Center shows; The Center launched its first Artist in Residence Program with Kiana Hayeri; DUSP hosted a commemoration of Alice Amsden in the new Media Lab building; The International Security Studies Best Book Award Selection Committee announced the selection of Joshua Rovner, Fixing the Facts: National Security and the Politics of Intelligence (Cornell University Press, 2011) as the recipient of this year's prize; Roger Petersen's book Western Intervention in the Balkans won the ENMISA Distinguished Book Award. Read more |
End Notes End Notes features the professional achievements of our scholars, students, and staff. This includes recent awards, speaking engagements, and publications. Read more |